Ardroy's Social Media Policy
You have been directed to this page as you have expressed an interest in our social media output - you are welcome to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Flickr, but we would like to draw your attention to our policy on responsible social media usage first.
- We generally do not mention participants by name, or post anything that would identify them individually.
- We may post photographs of participants, including minors. Our minor consent form has a number of understandings that parents/carers agree to, including "I agree to
photographs & video being taken of participants for use in
school and for marketing by Ardroy (including via online social media) or by approved third parties. If
I have any objections, I will contact the Centre in writing
prior to the trip".
- We can only put photos of participants on the web when we have permission to do so. We aim to upload pictures whenever we can, but various circumstances often mean we can't, and obviously we can't make those reasons public either. Ardroy staff and visiting teachers take pictures during the week which we then share with the school at the end of the course.
- You are welcome to post comments on our various feeds, however we may delete comments that could potentially identify a minor, or are offensive, contain inappropriate language or inflammatory remarks. We monitor what is said on our feeds and reserve the right to ban users if required.
Click on the buttons below to follow us.

tweet intermittently, but generally confirm a group's arrival and departure by twitter.
We generally do not use Facebook for daily updates when schools are resident, but will intermittently post significant news, and share other developments and events at Ardroy. We also use Facebook to share the link to view a specific school's photo album on our Flickr site.
Please note messaging us on Facebook is unlikely to get a response, we prefer to communicate by email. We are a small team, and don't have the ability to respond to emails or Facebook messages outwith office hours.
We use Flickr as a means of uploading pictures taken during a stay at Ardroy for sharing in a wider domain, with the group's consent and in line with the policy above. Photos cannot be downloaded from the Flickr site for reasons of copyright and child protection, but we may share them with approved third parties in line with the points above.
If you are trying to contact us with an enquiry we would much prefer you use email . Thank you.