
Splosh GroupSchools, and other educational groups are the mainstay of our delivery. We operate year round during term time - mainly with Fife Primary School groups, but work with most local authorities in the Central Belt, and even as far as the Lake District. We believe Ardroy is different to many other outdoor providers as we are outcome centred, not activity centred. It is not what the pupils do at Ardroy, it is what they learn from doing it.

Schools generally come for either a five day Mon-Fri course or a four day Fri-Mon weekend. We work on a 1:8 instructor/student ratio (1:9 in winter), and the same instructor works with their group throughout the course, ensuring a mutual relationship of trust can be established. We can only achieve this by employing instructors who are qualified to deliver all the activities we offer.

We review every activity with the children, focusing on what they have learned, and how to apply it to the next challenge. A full evening programme is included in the package, we keep them busy and learning right until bed time!

Don't take our word for it! Click here to see an audio slideshow about Commercial PS in Fife, with staff talking about the benefit a week at Ardroy had on their pupils. Our annual impact reports and recent feedback are here.

We can only achieve a successful course through careful design, planning and liaison with each school, and are always at the end of the phone or email to assist, but in order to focus on a specific set of outcomes, we offer a choice of four themed programmes:-

Wild Place Award* Enterprise Developing Young Workforce

To help decide which theme to choose please look at our themes for schools courses page, which details the content of each theme, as well as other aspects of our educational delivery.

*During the 2024/25 Academic year we will deliver an in-house "Wild Place Award", with similar outcomes to the John Muir Award. This is because the  John Muir Award is on 'pause' until 2025. For more information please see here and here 

Click here to find out more about our Wild Place Award, and please disregard the many references to the John Muir Award in our website - there are too many to change, and we're hoping the pause is only temporary!

 Click the themes link above for more info.