Videos of Ardroy Activities

See below for video footage of the most popular Ardroy activities, and also low resolution versions of our videos intended for Parent's Evenings (we can send out DVDs of same on request).

Videos available are as follows: (click to go to the relevant video, then click to make it start playing).

Clicking on the icon that looks like this will make the video play in full screen mode.

Arrival at Ardroy 1

Arrival at Ardroy 2

Arrival at Ardroy 3

Drone Footage of Ardroy

Capshard PS Video

Youth Groups DVD

Audio slideshow


Open Canoeing

Labyrinth & Low Ropes


Climbing & Abseiling

Headteacher Interview

Schools DVD (Summer)

Schools DVD (Winter)

'Ardroy Adventure' Video

Splosh 2 (taken with a helmet cam)

Arrival at Ardroy 1 (covers from coach arrival to lunch in the Dining Room)

Arrival at Ardroy 2 (covers from end of lunch, heading to dorms then fire drill)

Arrival At Ardroy 3 (covers from fire drill to meeting your instructor and having a tour of the centre)

Drone Footage (with thanks to Stuart Marshall Photography)

Capshard PS at Ardroy (with thanks to Stuart Marshall Photography)




Open Canoeing

Labyrinth and Low Ropes


Climbing and Abseiling (we don't normally use such a big crag with Primary School Groups!)

Lorna Sanaghan, of South Parks PS in Fife, on why she recommends Ardroy


Schools Promotional DVD (Summer)

Schools Promotional DVD (Winter)

Youth Groups DVD. In two sections. First section for Young People, Second for leaders (starts at 0600)


'Ardroy Adventure Video' (with thanks to Stephen Clark and sons who produced it after spending a wild week here!)

Some Splosh Action - Cheesy Soundtrack and everything else courtesy of our instructor Malcolm Airey and his GoPro Helmet Cam.