The holistic, active learning ethos of the Curriculum for Excellence complements excellently Ardroy's approach to learning through experiences.
As part of this process, we have gone through the CfE and mapped which specific elements of the curriculum can be covered as part of the Ardroy experience. Most of what we offer fits into Health and Well being, but connections can also be found across the whole curriculum.
In order to enable teachers to identify where Ardroy can contribute to a school's curricular planning, we have created a table which highlights specific outcomes from the CfE, per activity. For example, we would consider Rock Climbing to apply as follows:-
Health and Well Being Outcome 2-21a : As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control.
Our Countdown Pack B has help text for every activity chosen, which highlights what we think to be the most significant outcome. This helps teachers planning the course to identify how the Ardroy experience will fit into the wider curricular plan. We also liaise with schools prior to their residential, especially for DYW and John Muir Award themed courses.
To find out more, please visit the schools' downloads area of the website (password protected, please contact us for the password).
Please click here to download an excellent mind map of how Ardroy fits into the CfE. Thanks to Sharon Logie from Crossford PS in Fife who created it!